
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm Famous!!!

Okay, maybe not yet, but I am on my way. Let me start at the beginning...
At the beginning of the year James, Tim, Tiff, Lauren, and myself went Geocaching at Bok Tower Gardens. If you aren't familiar with Geocaching, check out or watch my videos on YouTube at

So today, I got an email from a guy with the Bok Tower Gardens communications department. Here is what he said:

"I'm putting together our eNewsletter for Bok Tower Gardens and this time around we're doing a small write up about Geocaching. I was wondering, if you are agreeable, if you could send me some high resolution photos that appeared in the video for use on our website?
You're video was fantastic and I think it shows the true spirit of what geocaching is about!"

I of course said yes, and that I would send the photos tonight. He responded to thank me and offered to give me and my group a tour of the tower next time we come out. How awesome is that? So I sent him ten photos saying that I had more if he wanted them. I also told him that he can link my videos to the newsletter if he wants. Could this be my first step towards fame and fortune?

Probably not, but it's fun to dream.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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