
Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm a little afraid right now.

So it's no secret that I'm a giant nerd. I was watching NatGeo tonight (that's what us Turbo Nerds call the National Geographic channel) and I saw a very interesting, yet slightly disturbing program called Human Ape. It deals with the similarities and differences between man and the great apes, ie Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutans. It showed how apes can use tools, and can work together, and can learn things, and they have a small grasp of physics. Blah, blah, blah. All very interesting. It got a little scary when they showed the Chimps going out Special Forces style and killing neighboring Chimps. That's not even the scariest part. There are these two Chimps that can recognize over 300 words and characters. One of them can even follow instructions given in complete sentences. Pretty cool until you pay close attention to what the Chimp is doing. First it shows him using a toy hypodermic needle to inject a baby doll. Then it shows him undressing the baby doll. WTF?!?! Are we seriously teaching Chimps to strip our kids and inject them with something? Isn't possible that this could be the wrong thing to be teaching them? Now I can't sleep because I know that there is an elite group of Special Forces Chimps out there ready to sneak in my room, strip me, and inject me with some sort of truth serum so that I will tell them where I keep all the bananas. Well the joke is on you GI Joe Chimp! I have no bananas.

Seriously though, watch this show. It's pretty interesting..


Jonathan H. Liu said...

I just read about a recent book called "Nim Chimpsky: The Chimp Who Would Be Human" about this chimpanzee they tried to teach language to. Apparently they also made him wear clothes, use a toilet, do chores, etc.
And then he went wild and people who originally claimed he understood language took it all back and said he was just a dumb animal.

The Wickershams! said...

lol, that's awesome Jonathan.

Justin said...

Dude lets effin get those chimps. We'll show em a thing or two.