It should be no surprise to anyone that with the advent of DVR’s, Hulu, Netflix, and the like, there is no such thing as appointment TV anymore. If you wanted to watch Seinfeld back in the day, you had to be ready at 9:00pm on Thursday night, ready to watch. If you missed it, you had to wait until reruns, or even worse… syndication! Explaining that to the next generation of TV watchers will get you some strange looks. Of course if you are tech savvy enough to be reading this blog, you probably already know all this.
Which brings me to the point of this post, I watch WAY too much TV. I thought having the ability to streamline my viewing by fast forwarding through the commercials would lessen the amount of time I spend watching shows, but it just increased the number of shows I can watch in the same amount of time. So I reach out to you, my cyber friends and family for suggestions of where to cut. I know some of you will say to stop altogether. I appreciate your attempt at help, but we all know this isn’t going to happen. So, here’s what I typically record on a weekly basis. Please do not judge me. I know it’s a long list. That’s why I want help trimming it.
2 Broke Girls (I said don’t judge me)
30 Rock
Glee (Seriously, stop judging)
Hawaii Five-O
Hell on Wheels
NCIS: Los Angeles
New Girl
Pan Am
Parks and Rec
Person of Interest
Survivor (Not cool guys, NO JUDGING!)
The Firm
The Office
The Walking Dead
Up All Night
There are probably shows I have forgotten, but this is what I can come up with off the top of my head. Now, some of these shows will never come off the list (The Office) and some of them should have been removed a long time ago (2 Broke Girls). I want to cut this list in half. Now, I may still catch up with these on Hulu or Netflix now and then, but as far as recording every week, I need to whittle it down.
On a totally unrelated note, I don’t think I’ve ever typed the word whittle before. Weird.
Thanks in advance for all of your help!
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